Random Predictions
No, we are hipsters. The more you deny it the more of a hipster you become. Lesser known pursuits and interests are hip, counter culture has always been hip, we are hipsters.
By that logic, hipsters have been around a lot longer than the last 10 years. If being different for the sake of being different is hipster then every member here is probably included as we are the 1% denim club
I don't think liking Ironheart is "different for the sake of different".
"Different for the sake of different" implies using/owning/buying a lesser product because it's uncommon
Hipsters will be selected out by evolution. Tight low rise jeans will destroy their ability to create viable sperm.
No, we are hipsters. The more you deny it the more of a hipster you become. Lesser known pursuits and interests are hip, counter culture has always been hip, we are hipsters.
Thats what the moat is for
I think it implies being into something lesser known, and part of the reason being the cache that being into something lesser known gives you. People may deny thats how they feel or part of the reason why they do this, but I don't believe them
Honestly don't see a quality implication at all, if you take the hipster interest in something like coffee or beer (which we seem to love here) there is a definite penchant for higher quality rather than lower.
No, we are hipsters. The more you deny it the more of a hipster you become. Lesser known pursuits and interests are hip, counter culture has always been hip, we are hipsters.
Thats what the moat is for
Beer Hipster ^
That is the stereotypical wannabe hipster, I'm talking about hipsters as a concept.
If anyone can be bothered, read this.
Apparently I'm too old to be an hipster, they don't have a word for what I am…...asshole probably fits well.
If anyone can be bothered, read this.
Wow, I'm really out of touch with pop culture…
Unless wearing random gun themed tshirts is "hipsterish"...