Random questions to which you seek an answer
And post pics!
Does anyone know who makes these boots? I know the laces are from The Blue lace Project but I can't find any boots that look like this.
If I'm a size M in regular tee shirts (eg. IH tees), would I be an M in Hanes Beefy tees?
Should be. I'm a Large in both.
Has anybody handled the HTC belts that self edge sells? I really like the looks of them but I feel like I may think they're too insubstantial for how much they are.
Thick leather tends to dry out quicker, require much more maintenance and not be as strong as some thinner, better quality treated leathers. I learned this by speaking to several leather craftsmen when doing the HWDC belts.
That is not to say that all thick leathers are bad to make belts from, but it is to say that you should worry far more about the quality of the leather than its thickness.
You're definitely right. I'm wondering if those belts will feel toooo thin, but I trust that the leather is of sufficient quality since self edge was involved. I'll probably not be able to resist with the sale….thanks Gav
I can't believe no one has suggested PF Flyers yet. Seriously, classic vintage look, and reasonable arch support. If you don't like it, the insole is removable, so you can pop in an aftermarket one. Go with the Center, either high or low. All that for around $50.
What is wrong with you people? Hell, they're even Injun Jack approved…
PF's for life
….until one of our dogs ate insole from my other shoe. Might need new pair for next summer
Has anybody handled the HTC belts that self edge sells? I really like the looks of them but I feel like I may think they're too insubstantial for how much they are.
I haven't handled them but they have a pretty good reputation for whatever that's worth.
If they are studded, you don't want thick leather for two reasons: 1, the way studs work, the belt can't be so thick that the stud prongs can't make it to the flesh side and have enough sticking out to hammer down and secure them, and 2, the combined thickness of a thick belt and studs would mean you can't fit it under your belt loops.
Quick- which is the better Saturday afternoon viewing choice:
Option A: Point Break followed by Bloodsport
Option B: Alabama-Auburn in the Iron Bowl. -
Is this a joke?
Don't forget, Point Break is one of the greatest movies ever made.
Is that even a question?