IHSH-81 - The Johnny Cash - Black weft/black warp western shirt -
Bloody terrific evo photos , beard evo looks good too !
If I can get my blooming snapbucket to upload instead of "pending" , can
post some pics of a new pre-evo .Cheers
@d97 Beard is fucking awesome
Hongstein , I went with my usual XL size and it fits well . A little slimmer fitting
than other IH shirts . Measure one of your other shirts all over and compare to the 81
see how close it will fit . If in doubt , buy a small and nedium - return/ sell what doesn't fit .Good luck
Well it may fade quickly , but not that quick Giles !
thanks guys! ordered up the last small. looking forward to seeing how it ages as compared to the 85!
Throw us a fit photo later .
I prefer the more gentlemanly term , embellish …ha ha .
No wash yet …..hoping to avoid the wash for a decent spell of time.
Look what I found waiting for me on my doorstep when I got home from work today…
Thanks Conrad Bain for hooking me up with this beauty.