IHSW-10 - Ultra Heavy Plain Loopwheeled Sweat
Most of the world is right handed, and it's easier to operate a shifter with one's right hand IMO, which is why that layout makes sense to me.
I have zippers on either side among different garments from Japan. I do prefer it on the right though.
Agreed: The "wrong" side would be whichever is illegal to drive a given direction in a given locale.
Quite right
Perhaps wrong is the wrong word, but left zipper means woman’s garment in the US… could be a little difficult to explain..“Are you wearing a girl’s sweatshirt?”
“No Mam, it’s from a company from Japan that makes heavyweight men’s motorcycling gear and work wear… I’m not cross-dressing… honest…”
Ah well, it’s a seriously nice sweat, it’s worth it…I suppose what I’ll have to say is “this sweatshirt comes from where men are manly enough not to care which side there zippers are on and furthermore pay no attention to such petty social taboos…”
RE:Zippers, if someone is looking at your zipper that closely and says something, they're either likely friends/family and know you well enough, or it's none of their business that your zipper doesn't conform to their stereo type.
My zippers are about 60/40, clothing from AU, US, JP, China for the most part (in no order). In 2014 zippers don't have a right or wrong side, it's just stereotypical :). Live and let live.
Two solutions to the zipper problem: (1) turn the shirt inside-out (2) have someone else zipper the shirt for you - the zipper will be on the right side for them.
Most of the world (I seriously kid you not, check it out) drive on the left hand side of the road, Americans typically refer to that norm, as wrong…..
Off topic, but couldn't resist looking it up.
From wikipedia, "Today, about 65% of the world's population live in countries with right-hand traffic and 35% in countries with left-hand traffic. About 90% of the world's total road distance carries traffic on the right and 10% on the left."
Most of the 35% that still drive on the left are or were once British colonies.
Right- 163 countries and territories
Left- 76 countries, territories, and dependencies -
Damn, I though China drove on the left…..
This is an interesting read....
Regarding the zippers: I wrote a rant some months ago about some douche that bought a hoodie from me on ebay and claimed it to be a women's piece of clothing due to the placement of the zipper. It even ended by me taking it back. I never thought about stuff like that before.
@ Dr.Pat: Love your reviews, thanks. I happen to have the exact problem (too small hood) on my McCoys Hoodie. Don't know wether it's a japanese or vintage/repro thing or we just have too large necks and heads.
No prob re zipper on left or right for me;) left side comes from the time when women where dressed like dr Pat hinted above
From a very early historical background i read somewhere that back in the stone age men fighted with their right hand and wore their fur clothing over the left shoulder. Women wore it over the right shoulder to hold their children on the left side closer to their hearts.
Happy zippering
Zipper not really an issue… I have only used 3 times because I love the sweat so much I zip up first thing in the morning and refuse to take it off until I have to go to bed.
About the hood: I got a looser fitting sweat and the hood fits perfect. Basically from what I can tell small body=small hood and relaxed body=perfect hood. The hood is also warmer than most hats too because it is double layers of ultra heavy loop wheeled fabric. love that hood.
On the motorbike: took out the old motorbike and wore this sweat and it’s impressive how well it breaks the wind and cold. Of course some cold sneaks in threw the zipper, but surprisingly not much. Fitted arms are great, no flapping in wind + they hold in the warmth beautifully. It was a cold day, but stayed quite warm with this sweat. Overall great sweat for bikes…
Not too get off topic or anything, but I did something just for fun to match this model of sweat and thought it might interest my fellow forum goers… (Sorry, my sweatshirt made me do it)
Had a hat made from thick chunky long staple cotton yarn knit by hand on a small circular hat loom (no side seems). Had it rough washed it and boiled with onion skins for authentic natural aged look. Than brushed the inside with a brass brush until sweatshirt-like fuzziness appeared. Now it almost perfectly matches the sweatshirt and paired with the sweat is now my favorite garb for evening walks and cold days.
I’ll post more pics in the hat thread as too not clog up this thread.
Love this sweat. Wearing it over one of my Tie Dye Paul shirts, I love how the colors look with it.
I got washed mine and the collar tightened up a lot. I'm very happy with her now.
@mclain really like that tie dye underneath.