Random questions to which you seek an answer
Egg Nog is not a popular thing in the UK, but I have bought a carton from my local stockist of imperialist American food and would like to make it alcoholic with the aid of dark rum, and sweeten it with some festive cinnamon. Can someone of an American persuasion talk me through the process please?
Mega add the rum and cinnamon then shake it up good. The egg nog is already sweet. Not alot of rum
Clove is welcome too!
These are my Whites oxfords, they are 2 years old, beat to shit and without a doubt the comfiest thing I have ever put on my feet.
Sadly, I must now accept that their useful life in their current state is almost at an end. The worn slanted sole makes them a hazard on pavement with any camber at all.
My question is this. It is going to cost me (including shipping) around £150 to get them resoled at Whites, whereas I can buy a pair of Whites stitch down hiking boots for £228 shipped. Which should it be, rebuild or replace?
I am a fan of rebuilding worn boots, because to me the break-in of the upper is worth preserving and far better than brand new leather.
The whole point of buying something like White's is that they are rebuildable. Why ditch them after only two years? Besides, the rebuild is still £75 cheaper. That's a lot of beer, even that expensive Belgian stuff.
If I lived in the USA it wouldn't even be a question, but the high shipping costs make it a question. I think rebuilding is my favourite option too, and even though I dislike the 2021 wedge sole I am thinking of a black version for these. It just suits them well.
I know you had a pretty bad experience with a local cobbler but this should be an easy job for them. Pretty sure that sole is glued onto the midsole. If you're going with the same sole or a lug sole it should be easy. Personally, I'd have them rebuilt. They will be like new.
You might also consider getting them resoled somewhere other than White's. 150 pounds is $246 USD. That seems really high for a full resole.
For example, I have a local cobbler who does good work with high quality soles (vibram, etc) and charges significantly less than 150 pounds/246 dollars. For example, he offered to do a full resole on a nice pair of Timberland Boat shoes for $60.
I've been talking to who is (by reputation) the best shoe rebuilder in England, and I am still not confident that they could do it to a standard I'd like. The American work boot/ shoe is totally alien to english cobblers unfortunately.
If these get done then it has to be done by Whites only.
BTW, £55 of the cost is shipping them tracked to Whites, we have the most unreasonably expensive postal service in Europe.
Wow! Shipping from Germany to the USA is something around 30 Pounds via DHL.
I am pro resole! And I like 2021 soles. -
I am taking no chances after the last debacle.
I've been talking to who is (by reputation) the best shoe rebuilder in England, and I am still not confident that they could do it to a standard I'd like. The American work boot/ shoe is totally alien to english cobblers unfortunately.
If these get done then it has to be done by Whites only.
Who have you been talking to Gav, I've been looking for a decent cobbler in England?
The Shoe healer, based in Doncaster. The Sufu crowd swear by them, and I have no doubt they do great work….just not on American work boots.
g? paging doctor g dont you know someone who can do this? you own a billion boots
I ship a shit load, I therefore get ridiculous discounts off list, so the cost of shipping for me is effectively a rounding error. Mine go back to original maker…..Sorry
Oh and to make it worse, anything I do with clothing is a tax deductible expense....Double sorry....