The Flat Head
Yep, the western version has some taper, the other version doesn't. The normal shirt would be a great fit for you if you could find one in your size.
Heh, I like that that's the normal one since I almost exclusively wear what must be "abnormal" shirts
That's right Finn - I dunno, the paisley shirt doesn't feel much like a work shirt to me, it's a combination of the fabric and the lack of collar/cuff canvas on most of the real FH work ones.
Wow, that shirt is old school. Looks great!
Hey guys I need help. Interested in getting a 6003w. But I cannot find measurements anywhere for a sz44….though they do have it. I emailed the seller selling on rakuten and he said he doesnt want to offer measurements and there were issues back then with bad measurements and fight with customer...So i need the help of the community...I measure my pretty good fitting levis type 3 jacket using this method and this is what i got... 24.5inches
Shoulder- 20inches
Sleeve- 26inches
Length-25.75inchesThanks alot
I guess you contacted 2ND and they didn't want to measure them, is that true? (they never do that)
You could look at other shops that offer that style or you could contact Kyle(Cold Summer) if he would be able to offer measurements -
I am interested in purchasing a flathead flannel and would like thoughts and opinions. I initially wanted to get the IHSH-87 but it has eluded me thus far, i came across this and would like to know if anyone owns one or one similar and could give some insight on quality and thickness of material.
I love the slim fit of the Flat Head flannels. I started with the pink(salmon)/black one, and now have three. I don't have any Iron Heart flannels to compare the thickness too. My Flat Head flannels are plenty thick and warm for me. They are also combed on the inside so they're soft if you're not layering.
thanks for the response i think I'm going to go to self edge NY and see if they have it if they do i have a feeling I'm going to be heading home with it
On Tuesday night the 14th of January around 3 to 5 AM, DC4 has been robbed. Most of the items in our store at the Torstrasse have been taken. The police are currently investigating the case.
Important: DC4 stamp All the jeans from our store have been stamped 'DC4 Berlin' on one of the inner pockets. If you come across a brand new pair of jeans with this stamp, get in contact with us as soon as possible! Please keep an eye out for any of the goods that might come from our store. Many brands are hardly available outside of Japan, like Toys McCoy and Samurai Jeans.
Help us find stolen items and get a reward! Do you spot a stolen product on websites like eBay or on a forum? Send the link to contact[at] and you'll receive a FREE pair of jeans, and a discount on your next 3 orders.
Don't place online orders until further notice Naturally, this means that orders placed online cannot be processed right now, we hope for your understanding. The shop will be closed until further notice. We're shocked and outraged about the whole event and can't wait for the criminals to be put to justice.
Please share guys! You can address me with any info, also DC4 contact or direct with Daniel. Thanks!
DC4 team.
Epic shirt
Hey any chance of a fit pick and sizing info I'm thinking about getting this from S.E.
Also maybe an overall review (feel,construction and thoughts in general) Thanks and great looking shirt -
sure - however I just proxied it. It will be a few weeks before I receive it