Unpopular opinions
too true seawolf, all
*******A general reminder this thread may offend some of you in future. This is NOT the place to reply to posts/opinions. This thread's purpose is for UNPOPULAR OPINIONS.
If you start to feel your heart race, or you need to smash a post out in frustration, let it go. This thread's purpose is to let opinions stand*******
i f^cks with lulu & zee-man & will remain to post unpopular opinions in the unpopular opinions thread while staying within the forum guidelines
That is a Dougng fave. I can't take credit for it…..
Like the source material could be in question
Actually, what I was saying was that they would need to wash the sand out of their vaginas if they are to continue enjoying this forum. Whiney, sandy vaginas need to go somewhere else
In the spirit of the thread title, and as painful as it is to admit, Megatron had a good idea when he started this thread.
I wouldn't know my aspic from a hole in the wall were it not for King Crimson's Lark's Tongue in Aspic…
Same for me
I have always loved this thread, pure genius in here.
In the spirit of the thread title, and as painful as it is to admit, Megatron had a good idea when he started this thread.
Unpop-op: it's my favourite thread cause it pisses off the pussies… ::)
I have always loved this thread, pure genius in here.
Y'all need to get off my dick
His head isn't big enough for you fucks already?
Snowy, my comments were made after the initial post from Max and the follow up from Finn, they were intended to help jdl adjust and settle in to the forum and took a conversational format within he thread so were clearly directed towards him, and he responded. A conversation.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say that you think my comments were directed at jdl. Clearly the format was conversational so I figured this was pretty obvious who I was talking to.
If you're implying that I was being directly negative about jdl despite me publicly stating that I have no issue with jdl or what he does, then this simply is not true.
Reading through 1/2 a day later, it reads as initially it wasn't directed to jdl and he called it out, and then the conversation took place. Intent of my post was to agree/clarify that I had the same reading as jdl.
No comments or clarification of your intent, or conversation that followed
There aren't any issues here. Lets not be overly sensitive JDL is a big boy and I'm sure if he was bothered by what is being said he would tell someone to fuck off. I'm sure he is excited, we have all been there. We are all supposed to be adults here. On the other side if his posts are bothering you, block him and stop being such a sensitive twat. No reason for a dog pile.