Well, today I'm working in Cuero, which is the county seat of DeWitt County and the site of what I think is one of the top 10 (or so) prettiest courthouses in Texas:
Texas has 254 counties and many of them have fully restored courthouses from the late 1800s- early 1900s, so there are several beautiful buildings scattered around in small towns (and a couple of big cities) across the state. The commitment to restore and preserve these historic buildings is one thing I unreservedly admire about Texas. After all, stuff like this just isn't done anymore:
I mean, seriously, that's a door hinge for crying out loud. It's gorgeous.
Before I hit the road, I stopped by the post office to pick up a package that arrived several days ago. It came from some place called "The Superintendent's House"…
Inside I found this:
and these:
and most importantly:
As you can imagine, it all makes me very happy. Oh, and I do apologize for the crappy pic quality- cell phones and hotel rooms don't make for the best images, not to mention my general lack of skill. I should also mention one last detail; since I ordered during the IH/Aero Party, I asked for a favor, and a huge thanks to both Giles and Haraki-san for kindly accommodating me. So here's a pic of the special touch on my very first pair of Iron Heart jeans:
Signed by the master himself…Pretty good day, I'd say
Tending to the veggies in my IH-803's.
i would kill for a garden like that! very jealous
What happened t the knee G???
Not much going on today of interest as you can tell…
Had to hit up USPS to send out some purchased items...
Went to the storage unit to organize and get a jump on the upcoming move…
Met the Mailman who had something for me. Wonder what it could be???
ROY Jeans came! Looking forward to starting on these once I pass the IH WT's…