Random Rants
One bite banannas!!
Where abouts are u from JDL? -
Oh ya? Thats not that far at all. Ive been to lansing once and grand rapids a few times. They r both pretty close i think
sorry about your current situation nerkg.
chin-up & all the best in trying to figure out a way to earn for you & the rest of the nerkg-clan.
i'm not saying i have the best grammar or spelling
but i'm also not a journalist
and it seems to me EVERY article i read online lately has major grammar or spelling errors. hell even missing words or half sentences
at what point did people say "ah fuck it"
with magazines and news papers going towards the online publication more and more i don't think "oh it's just an online publication" floats as an excuse
i cant be the only one this bothers? -
Completely agree. Professional writers should know how to write. Subject/verb agreement and so forth. It bugs me, my first degree is in English.
I also think that part of the problem is that media companies, in an effort to streamline and minimize costs, have largely eliminated proofreaders. An extra set of eyes checking for the basics of spelling and grammar makes a huge difference, but is sadly considered an unnecessary expense. That, combined with the rush to get content out, makes for a consistently crappy product.
As I look over the offerings on the Wesco Factory Seconds site, I wish I could like the Lace-to-toe style, because these are fantastic otherwise-
I also hate the super thick front and thin arch combination sole in this otherwise beautiful boot-
I can rush through something but basic grammar will always be right on any professional copy because I'm a trained writer. That's how all professional writers should be; they should reflexively honor grammatical conventions. It should be something that requires conscious thought. $0.02