Random questions to which you seek an answer
Kobayashi is honestly a pimp
I like the Add image to post feature, but have a request:
Can we either have it
Not add a URL to postimage.org
Make the URL to postimage.org open to the image page instead of the base URL
MCL, that's not a stupid call.
Shoque, I know you're busy mate, here's code to directly upload images to S3 means they'll never disappear.
include('s3_config.php'); if($s3->putObjectFile('imgs/'.$actual_image_name, $bucket , $actual_image_name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ) ) { echo " ### Upload Successful. "; $s3file='http://'.$bucket.'.s3.amazonaws.com/'.$actual_image_name; echo 'S3 File URL:'.$s3file.' '; echo 'Forum Code: [img]'.$s3file.'[/img] '; echo "![]($s3file) "; } else $msg = "S3 Upload Fail."; } else $msg = "Image size Max 5 MB"; } else $msg = "Invalid file, please upload image file."; } else $msg = "Please select image file."; } ?>
Originally from; http://undesigned.org.za/2007/10/22/amazon-s3-php-class
I like the Add image to post feature, but have a request:
Can we either have it
Not add a URL to postimage.org
Make the URL to postimage.org open to the image page instead of the base URL
I will try to modify the JS-bits to achieve that, can't promise anything though.
Hey that's great thanks man
Realizing I can no longer abide the fit of my cashmere overcoat since losing weight, I'm looking for a pea coat / overcoat hybrid. That's to say, a pea coat that has a long body. Appropriate for a suit or jeans. Gotta be heavy, 30 oz or heavier, or if not insulated somehow.
I like the Add image to post feature, but have a request:
Can we either have it
Not add a URL to postimage.org
Make the URL to postimage.org open to the image page instead of the base URL
Having looked at the code shortly, I think this is done via the JS in the postimage.org-popup, so not possible at the moment. i would love to implement this properly via imgur or s3 some time.
Slowly (ey)…
Nate, I don't think you have to do anything special…..maybe put the country code (1) before the number. There can't be much to it.