And it looks stupid. And this is coming from someone who likes toe caps on boots.
Monday what size are those?
Thelost-found -
Best socks ever for engineer boots. Stay up all day.
sorry, but i'm not in. can't commit to any "new" boots for the year, my stock room is a bit crazy at the moment
Looking at flogging my UK 9 Boondockers. I totally still love the style, but these are 110 last and just a little too big/wide for me. PM me if anyone's keen. $500 incl shipping anywhere.. I'm just too in love with the 2045 last Viberg boots to justify hanging on to them.
I love ketchup!
With "mustard" laces?
red goes with Rocket & you always get points from me for always doing you.
What are some of the other sizes you wear in footwear (i know you do wesco as well)? Are those Vibergs comfortable for you or a bit close?