Show us your boots
the other ones are my wife's
she wear's em hard too….they are basically her snow boots. (she also has a pair of Sorels that are 2-3 years old and still look brand new. What can I say...she has good taste)
Thank you Hemi…..Will send you feedback shortly......Great boots btw.....
Are you using a Munson last for the boots, Hemi? They look great, by the way.
Very nice G and Hemi, very clean design.
They do look pretty Munson like. This is Hemi's description to me:
You will also notice that the toe is not completely symmetrical, that's because we last the toe by hand using 4 - 5 pleats. We don't like to skive the leather to thin or stretch it too much so we're not sacrificing quality for look. The leather I used on your boots is a bit stiffer but the Tannery can gently tenderise the hides in the future so they're a bit more pliable.
Hoggs Rannoch -
MOTO Pecos
^love those