Is it just me, or is there something wrong with the price of these…
when compared to the price of these…
501xx just buy the stallion new nothing wrong
I was going for more of a "the cheek of some people" vibe with that post, ie they're charging more for them used than they are new.
Those r beauts monday
try not to keep count, you know rich man's guilt . . . in my case hustling working class stiff's guilt
what you think of the boots? just to stay on track here
& Giley you know i only do it to f^ck with you
kind of like all the :-\
mijama, you are going to get in trouble with seul for that quote (with the images). i liked the leather on the make-up you mention (FSC 2013) but they just seemed a bit too dressy for me. i'll put an image here of the boot you are talking about when i get a moment
what you think of the boots? just to stay on track here
looks nice, though i can also picture them on a vibram 430 or a dainite sole/heel. that's just me though.
fair enough, i could do the 430 i'm not a fan of the golf shoe . . . i mean dainite sole/heel.