Evolution of Leather - Belts Wallets Patches
grandmasterben, I think you and other forum members are right to think that things (often) won't last unless you spend enough.
Almost nothing else in my wardrobe has survived from the late 1980s, and that is probably for the best.
New phone case from Zee Bee, freshly treated with Huberds. Hand made in the USA.
Definitely my shitty camera skills, and to be fair it was a quick iPhone snap taken while it was entirely freshly covered in Huberds boot grease.
I will do it more justice later with the DSLR, knowing what a pretty photo whore you are Rafa
Tommy was out, luckily I have a bloke here building a wardrobe who can take a fair picture
Thought I'd post some patch evo on all my IH jeans while I procrastinate my dissertation:
Very proud of the colour on the 666od on the right, those jeans have served me very well, cant wait to see how the B01 will turn out. I've always used kiwi mink oil on all my leather products, once that tub is finished I'll think about investing in some Obenauf's.
Very nice Bianco. An Angelo's number 2 is my next wallet, love their stuff, and prices are very good.
I agree, Angelos offers exceptional bang for your buck. Are you going for the all natural or the two-tone with dark brown or black? Can't go wrong either way.
That is the part i'm undecided about!
Tender Co blue enameled buckle belt. Worn for approximately 1.5 years.
Although there haven't been any recent posts in this thread, I figured I'd try to share a few pics of some natural leather goods I've had for a while.
KC,s belt
Angelos half wallet No:3
Tanner Goods key lanyard
The Flat Head braceletYou got a website for this belt? thanks in advance!