Random questions to which you seek an answer
thanks for un-monday'ing the links, chris.
lace ups are called 6" cap toe lace ups & they are comfy out the box & a great boot to look at. after taking them around the block a few times will report back.
G, what length benjo's you thinking of? they got 34", 48", & 54". maybe best to go with the 54" too long is better than too short. . . or just play it safe with the 48" . . .
Mr Monday, how is the sizing on the Pistoleros? I called Gentry last night to discuss that black Engineer boot and the gent on the phone was very confusing. I wear a 9.5 in Alden and a 10 in most athletic shoes, Gentry said to get a 9 but since they are clearance I can't return em! I don't want to be wrong and be stuck with something I can't use.
I just got sz9 because it's all that was left. They're a little loose but nothing thick socks can't fix. I wear an 8.5 in Alden and 9 in most athletic shoes. So a 9.5 would have probably been good for you. Not sure they have any 9.5 left though.
If I got the two-tone round & the flat laces. What lengths would you buy?
How big a price difference is there?.. Cause you can just cut these to size… I always do that... So maybe just get the longest ones and only those?..
That works for leather laces, but will it work for these? I'm working on the assumption that the laces have aglets on the ends, and that if you cut them off, they'll start to unravel.
I'd say get the 54" at the minimum, but 63" would work better for most boots. And since I'm guessing most people will be buying these for boots, that seems the best choice.
I just got sz9 because it's all that was left. I wear an 8.5 in Alden and 9 in most athletic shoes. So a 9.5 would have probably been good. Not sure they have any 9.5 left though.
So they run .5 size smallish?
So they run .5 size smallish?
I edited my post. I meant a 9.5 would probably be good for you. I got te same size as I wear in most athletic shoes and they are a bit too wide. But with thick socks they are fine.
Thanks Urb, in that case I'll either get a 10 and rock heavy socks or just skip all together. The price is really good though, so a temptation they remain.
want a pair of jeans, here's what i would like:
indigo in color,
weight of denim or weave where i can wear them at least 3 seasons out the year
mid-rise to show the least amount of a$$ crack when bending down, but not so high that my current gut protests,
thigh (12.5" to 13" ish), leg opening (7.5" ish) after being altered to about 31" or so
back pockets not huge, sorry kind of random but i hate really big back pocketsany ideas mucho appreciated. brand of denim doesn't really matter, just looking for that cut
That's one hell of a taper, but how about the Flat Head 3012? Seems like it might hit on most of your criteria.
Taper? They sound like carrot fit jeans
thanks chris.
i guess i'm kind of carrot shaped & so carrot fit jeans are my preference for the moment. thanks for that link mega, but those back pockets are pretty awful & huge looking . . . entire top block looks horrible.
think i'm gonna butcher my 25oz BB as they are just sitting here & i'm too stubborn to sell . . .
Illustrative purposes only MM, I would never advise a purchase from that link, ha ha
Your MBB butchery sounds like a plan to me.
Edit: Talk to Rafa, I think he did something similar with his.
Oh my, I've been placed in the same category as Finn. Thanks, but not sure what I've done to sully my name to that point, hahahhaha
Alright boys help guide my moral compass
I had this buddy
He got a girl friend
Stopped answer his phone
Stopped responding to texts
But he still talked to my folks
A lot
And then fucked my old man over on a fairly large deal
So two years later I got this text
What should my course of action here be?
Am I wrong to be offended by this?
Does this seem odd to anyone else?
Help me out boys