Death Grips "No Love Deep Web" insane band!!! Check them out! And no I'm not brazen enough to post my junk on the forum.
What a load of pretentious twaddle:
there's another dick in here.
What a load of pretentious twaddle:
Their children are called Apple and Moses…...I rest my case.
Whereas Blackberries are for morons.
Literally as I typed that the postman knocked on my door to deliver your Blackberry. Does that make me a twat and a moron until I post the
ugly piece of crapphone to you? -
I'm taken by the lack of a response to a dick in the music thread. I just don't get it. . . D 666 what's going on???
I just figured it should of been in the cheers for P thread . . .
It's the album cover for "No Love Deep Web"
ahhhh, so i take it you didn't purchase the vinyl copy at walmart, hahahahahaha
think i'm gonna write "bet you didn't see me comin'" on my package & use myself for my avatar & for a series of short play discs, hahahahahaha
okay i'm out
Fucking awesome
if youre an opeth fan (like myself), treat yourself to a track-by-track for the upcoming album. very excited!