Random questions to which you seek an answer
Depending on your previous relationship with dude maybe you should be the bigger man and respond with, "let's grab a beer", or whatever you'll used to bond over. . .
No, no, no, you guys have it all wrong: he said he wants you to be "apart of" (sic) his wedding party. He doesn't want you anywhere near Jamaica on those dates.
every once in a while you are funny . . . this isn't one of those times, hahahahaha
Yeah, the guy is obviously a douche. Just ignore it and wait for him to go through the proper channels, i.e. picking up the phone like an adult and asking you, at the very least.
all right, if you want to take the MAN route, here is what you do.
1. you pick up the phone & you call the guy & you tell him you two need to have a conversation, it can be over a brew or whatever you all used to do when you were still buddies.
2. when you meet with the guy (if he accepts the invite) you explain what you think about the invite to his beheading, i mean wedding (glad he invited you, it's weird that he invited you, why did he break-up with you as you were ready to come out the closet for him). you also talk to him about anything else you may have issue with him over & once done you move on.
3. be prepared to stomp a mud-hole in his a$$ since folks don't usually take to kindly to being called out, but at the same time you have to be willing to actually listen to what he says cause the way you react says about as much about you as it does about him.
most importantly & seriously it's about you & what you do in the world while you still have ten toes on top of the dirt. f^ck the u can feel right about ignoring him & the guy is a d!ckhead, scumbag, or anything else that may be said. when it boils down to it that sh!t isn't good enough for you & your Pop's didn't raise you to be a b!tch. he raised you to be a man, being a man means sometimes you just gotta do sh!t you don't want to do cause it's the right thing to do . . . .
*drops the mic & steps of his soap box, hahahahahahahaha
whatever you do, good luck nate. i swear i'm going to start an advice thread so i can spout off my skewed-f^cked up views, hahahahahaha
Tell the dude honestly what you think Nate, hold nothing back, gauge his response on the spot and choose 1 of the following 3 options…
Smack him in the mouth
Give him a man hug
Walk the fuck away before you kill the son of a bitch
^oh fuck this is going to go straight to his head.
I'd never forgive someone who fucked over family. This guy would be permanently cut loose.
wow, that's a lot of bread. . . .you all had to be really tight for your fam to "loan/gift" that amount on a smile & a handshake. hope it works out & good luck.
thanks sabergirl, i find women/girls usually make the best men
at least that's what D666 told me, hahahahahaha
Mcl, never & forever are words i used in my teens, i'm way past them as everything can be negotiated & has grey areas . . . unless you talking math, than it's 2 + 2 = 4
oh & going back a few with my carrot shaped jean, think i might give the Left Field NYC Chelsea fit a go or get some jeans i have sitting changed to that fit. will keep you all posted . . .
You can tell a lot about a person when shit all boils down to the money. 15g's is a chunk of cash. Personally, I'd write the motherfucker off, but that's just my style. If they'd do it once, and not acknowledge it, they would do it again. I walked away from a company that was Doing about 200,000 dollars in sales a month, that i built, because my partner got too fucking greedy. Why? Because peoples true side comes out when it boils down to money.
Have a beer with him and if he doesn't bring it up, out at least offer to make some payments to your family, then I would punch him in the face and bounce. When it comes to "friends", if they are willing to fuck you over now, what would happen when shit really hits the fan. Do you want that person on your team? If he has to money to go to Jamaica, he has the money to pay you back
Band of brothers. Watch it sometime
Exactly… Character doesn't change. You are what you is.
Just to try and balance what everyone has added already, if this cat doesn't make right he certainly deserves whatever comes to him. However, you should really weigh and balance your approach, if smashing him will lead to bigger problems for you (he's a bitch so he might make a legal stink) then is it worth it to settle up your convictions? Obviously I don't know particulars, but you should weigh all of the options your Dad might have as well before deciding, as you don't want to damage any case he might have. Think it through, and if you still decide to smack him, at least you'll expect any follow up.p
He already didn't make right in my view by reaching out in such a way as if nothing happened and talking about galavanting around in the tropics with your family's money.
I'm not suggesting taking revenge, I'm just saying this guy sounds like scum that I wouldn't want in my life.