Random Rants
I think that any dude who obsesses over children's things conceived in the 80's deserves to have his ass handed to him.
I'm going to have to jump in here. I've said it before but I think it is worth repeating. All that matters as to how a person dresses is that he feels comfortable within himself and within his peer group. I don't give a flying fuck if someone (male) wants to dress in smoke jumpers and a pink tutu, it's definitely not a look I could or would pull off, but so what - each to his own.
Would love to know how many of you plan on watching the doco. It's really good. Forget the subject/object, it's just a great story.
Honestly, I probably won't. It doesn't interest/ bother me enough to watch it but I do get what you mean about an unexpected great story, "King of Kong" anyone?
Just over a year ago my wife and I decided we were going to live a credit less life, we ditched all our credit cards, paid off a long term loan we had and we allocate a portion of our wages each month to close out our mortgage 10 years early. It's made things hard at times, no more loose purchases, foreign travel is a pain in the ass when you only have cash, the reduction in overtime hours available at work really pinched our pockets, and anything we need around the house we have to save for, but we genuinely like it and feel better about ourselves for doing it. We checked out of the credit society by choice, it's not for everyone but after going through what Mac is going through three times I thought "fuck that" and became a cash only guy.
Maybe that should have been a random announcement…..
I take my hat off to you sir! I'm trying to be more like this. I was bitten with a large student overdraft many years ago and since then (mortgage aside) have never spent more than I've earned. Every month I make sure all bills are paid, money in the joint a/c, kids savings a/cs, my savings a/c, etc and then if I feel like it, I'll buy something from what's left. My credit card is for Internet purchases only (never use debit cards for this) and I always pay off the balance. My next step is to stop buying anything I don't actually need. Well, we all need something to aim at…
"Fistfull of quarters"
King of kong was very unexpectedly awesome. Just edged out Air Guitar Nation -
Cheers Maynard, it is not without it's hardships and pitfalls, I struggle to convince friends with more spending power than me that I cannot just drop £300 on something frivolous anymore but as I said I do feel better for it. I would not even advocate other people doing the same thing, I think it's a very personal choice for people to enjoy their money (or lack there of) how they feel best doing so.
Why on earth should you be placed in a position where you have to struggle to convince someone that you don't want to spend any amount on anythting, it's got feck all to do with them….
Because it's their crazy birthday plans (a weekend in Lisbon). Screw that, I live in an old house which requires brickwork re pointing before it turns into an old rubble pile
I enjoy the word zealot, I shall use it this afternoon
Don't forget that it was a small equine-fixated dyslexic Japanese man's obsession which gave birth to the biggest audio phenomenon of the 1970s - the Walkman aka My Little Sony.