Random questions to which you seek an answer
You can tell a lot about a person when shit all boils down to the money. 15g's is a chunk of cash. Personally, I'd write the motherfucker off, but that's just my style. If they'd do it once, and not acknowledge it, they would do it again. I walked away from a company that was Doing about 200,000 dollars in sales a month, that i built, because my partner got too fucking greedy. Why? Because peoples true side comes out when it boils down to money.
Have a beer with him and if he doesn't bring it up, out at least offer to make some payments to your family, then I would punch him in the face and bounce. When it comes to "friends", if they are willing to fuck you over now, what would happen when shit really hits the fan. Do you want that person on your team? If he has to money to go to Jamaica, he has the money to pay you back
Band of brothers. Watch it sometime
Exactly… Character doesn't change. You are what you is.
Just to try and balance what everyone has added already, if this cat doesn't make right he certainly deserves whatever comes to him. However, you should really weigh and balance your approach, if smashing him will lead to bigger problems for you (he's a bitch so he might make a legal stink) then is it worth it to settle up your convictions? Obviously I don't know particulars, but you should weigh all of the options your Dad might have as well before deciding, as you don't want to damage any case he might have. Think it through, and if you still decide to smack him, at least you'll expect any follow up.p
He already didn't make right in my view by reaching out in such a way as if nothing happened and talking about galavanting around in the tropics with your family's money.
I'm not suggesting taking revenge, I'm just saying this guy sounds like scum that I wouldn't want in my life.
its not that we lent him money
a deal was made to sell his some stuff to the tune of 15 g
then the day he was supposed to come pick up the trailers (heavy equipment trailers) he never showed, didnt answer his phone or respond to texts
shit we don't even lend out a wrench with out making someone take a pic with it hereall and all even the his responses after i suggested a beer were weak
so i'm just gonna ignore -
Ah, that's way different, I thought he took y'all for $15k.
Does anyone (mainly G, P and the mod team) have any objection to me starting a roll call thread for other brands in the other brands section? I thought it might be helpful if theres a particular thing you're looking at buying and you could perhaps ask the opinion of an owner (or maybe shoot them a cheeky offer).
Cool, on it.
I currently have an iPhone 4S, which I am really happy with and have no inclination whatsoever to upgrade to a 5C or 5S, that is until my mobile provider started harassing me with upgrade offers as my contract is up next Thursday. The best offer they have given me so far is for a 16GB iPhone 5C for no upfront cost and a monthly bill increase of £1.
Would I be mad not to accept this, even if my only intention is to immediately sell the phone and trouser the profits whist carrying on 2 year love affair with my 4S?
As long as they will let you retain your original plan, I see no reason why not. Be wary of the fine print, though. Verizon tried to get me to upgrade my iphone a while back, but they weren't going to allow me to grandfather in my unlimited data plan. They were no longer offering unlimited data at all, so although the price remained essentially the same, they were actually going to be giving me less data.
mega - why not keep the 5c and sell the 4s? I like my 4s too but they still have good re-sale value and you will have the upgraded version. And yes, either way, you would be mad not to accept it.
Edit: isn't the 5c the cheap one? I think you might want the 5s. That would be a an easy choice.
mega - why not keep the 5c and sell the 4s? I like my 4s too but they still have good re-sale value and you will have the upgraded version. And yes, either way, you would be mad not to accept it.
Whatever you get you'd be nuts not to flick the old one, you'll still get at least 150 quid for it. Mrs Snowy got a 5s recently and sold her 4s for nearly half the price of an outright purchase of a 5s..That was a month ago. The 4s still holds it's value really well on the market. Keep the 5, sell the 4.
Oh and try go for a 5s, even if it's 2 pound more a month, the 5c's already 2 years old, the 5s is less than 1. The 5s introduced 64bit ARM architecture (hardware processor), so will live far longer than the 5c. Either way, sell the 4s, keep the 5s
To do otherwise IMO and I'll say it again IMO IMO IMO, doing otherwise is buying into your own plan with stubbornness even when it's not the most practical. I know you hate planned obsolescence and were planning on holding what you've got to the grave. The most practical and cost effective solution, taking in a 2+ year view from now is to sell the 4s whilst it's still worth a fair bit, and get the 5c for free, or bump up to the 5s if you can. The 5s will ensure the phone lasts many more years without missing a beat.
Thanks guys, for some reason the 5S is more like 6 or 7 pounds a month more and comes with even less data. The new plan with the 5C comes with 1GB per month of data, which made me wary until I cheched the statistics on my 4S to find that I had only used 8GB in 24 months previously, and I use my phone constantly.
Wow, you use that little data?
Wow, you use that little data?
If I download apps it is always at home through wifi, I never stream movies or music on my phone, literally all I do is web browsing, social media and email.