IH-666Sod - Devil's Fit Overdyed - Super Slim Tapered
self done repairs or sent in somewhere?
sent it to some local famous fixer batavia jeans
My 666od's had a massive crotch rip today, and after removing the repairs that I'd done on them over the years I'm now left with two gaping holes that need some serious attention. Got them way back in the summer of 2011 and I'm really sad to see them in such a state.
These were my first pair of Iron Hearts and I did a lot of living in them, so its safe to say I'm a little sentimental about this particular pair of jeans and quite frankly I'm not ready to give them up.
Twin, you look like you've been impaled!
Back in the 666od's! Finally managed to squeeze my cyclist thighs in post repair (Thanks again Giles). These babies feel better than new!
(Bonus Converge in the background)
Bonus selvage cuff.
so, what's it gonna take to get this discussion going… I have been daydreaming of seeing these made again!
@harleysteen We are going to overdye some of the next batch of IH-666S-21 - the model number will be IH-666S-21od
Get a scissor jack on them - I'm serious…..We have one here for that very purpose....
You do this when they are damp or dry?
666-21od will be a must buy for me