I have the 310 last and would attests that its quite comfortable for walking. Leather soles with cats paw heels, walking in them long distance to and from my kids school. What I would add to it is a rubber sole to make it more versatile. Other than that no complaint here. Also you won't notice the sprung toe after a while.
Yes sir..
I think Viberg's HH is my favorite boot leather of all time. Better than the thinner shell, and waaay better than CXL. It's thick and hardwearing like the oil tans, but has some richness to it like CXL. And compare it with pics of White's HH, which gets all creased up right away. I wish Viberg had more of it available…
thanks to the incredible
hulkG, i was able to change the buckles viberg used on my boots.thanks giles!
G., those buckles are made specially for you?
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thanks guys,
but i have absolutely no credits in this, except from hating the "buckles" viberg used.i think style king padmore was fed up with the viberg buckles as well, searched for alternatives
and ended up having his one buckles produced in japan.i really love them and yes the transform the boots.
its a good example why the Iron Heart / Giles stuff is so good!@friday:
it was quite easy to change the buckles. if you ain't have the right tools, every cobbler can do it for you. -
The modern harness buckles Viberg and wesco use on the engineers are turrrrible. Absolutely hideous.
have a look here Chiba
this is definitely both a random announcement and question, but ill take it up here anyway! got my vibergs last oct/nov and i love them, but the laces on the left boot still arent broken in haha.. whats up with this? theyre still considerably stiffer and more unpliable than the ones on my right boot. its not a problem, just.. weird.