All Things Mac/ Apple
Just picked up the new iPhone 4 to replace my dinosaur 3G. Thus far, it has worked perfectly! My free case has already been ordered and should show up in the next few weeks…
$18k?!?!?!?! Link please… And to answer your question, prob not.
Yeah I have not even had a minute to try it yet but am excited about that and all other features I prviously did not have… Like reception! Well, iPhone 4 reception anyhow. Just glad to be off that 3G network. It was awful. Was skeptical about it considering all the chaos surrounding it's launch but I was assured by my boy that it was the best option at the moment in my situation.
As for the iPad, still not sold on it yet. I am fine with my phone and laptop anytime anywhere so until I am convinced otherwise, that's how it will remain. Gimmicks don't do it for me... -
I am going to wait until it can do everything my computer can do and with the same ease…
glad to be off that 3G network.
I don't think ATT has started rolling out their 4g network yet…
Oh well I am wrong. Feels like a whole new network! I do not keep up with phones or the technology surrounding them as much as I would like but thank you for the knowledge/ heads up.
Ahh, for some reason I read it as MacBook Pro not Mac Pro. Now it completely makes sense as to how you could get to $18k.
No sweat. I had a coworker think the same thing because of the iPhone 3g vs the iPhone 4. Sounds like it's on the new LTE network
It's highly likely that you're getting a better reception with better tech. I would give you a better answer than that but I don't know much about iPhones (I used to be into cell phones as much as I'm into jeans and knives and ecigarettes now)
I suspect that the iPhone 4 for Verizon will be compatible with the 4g network that they're rolling out in the 4th quarter/1st Q 2011
Ahh, for some reason I read it as MacBook Pro not Mac Pro. Now it completely makes sense as to how you could get to $18k.
You gotta admit, with that configuration, it would be fuckin bitchin…
If they come out with an iPad with cellular connection for data/cell (I would use my bluetooth, not hold it to my ear), I would consider it
The smartest design I saw for a tablet computer was a concept computer I saw on a website: it's two tablet computers held together with a plastic clamshell, so you could have the convenience of a laptop with the keyboard space not occupying the screen, plus having the screen angled while you type. If you wanted to grab a tablet PC, you would just unlock it from the plastic clamshell. Pretty neat.
Don't ask me where I saw that, it was one of my geek websites and I'm sure I'm never going to find it again. Those websites are a pain in the ass to navigate. Prob gizmodo
Short rant for no good reason… Let me first say that I love most Apple products. I use them every day at work and home. Seriously, I own way too many of them and have for years.
I am, however, to the point of frustration with my iPhone where I want to smash it into little bits and pay to get out of my contract and get a different phone. Ever since iOS 4 it's been a piece of sh*t. No matter what I try, or what support suggests, no change. At this point it feels like a forced upgrade to go to a 4g and I don't want to give them any more of my money.
Giles - Don't let this shade your interest in getting a desktop. Through work, home use, & family, we've gone through dozens of machines and they've all been great.
I am, however, to the point of frustration with my iPhone where I want to smash it into little bits and pay to get out of my contract and get a different phone. Ever since iOS 4 it's been a piece of sh*t. No matter what I try, or what support suggests, no change. At this point it feels like a forced upgrade to go to a 4g and I don't want to give them any more of my money.
I have just become a victim of this. My problems did not start until the same time. Granted I had the 3G but still… I understand where you are coming from.