WAYWT - Shoes/Boots Edition!
Thanks man, I've always been a fan of well worn Indy's. These puppies are almost as comfortable as my beloved SD's.
RW Beckman -
Nice Beckman's PP.
Viberg and orange Anonymous ism.
Those road champs. Sweet sweet boots. Next on my list is a proper engineer boot.
@Jordan23 I love seeing picks of your boots and how different they evolved than mine. I've had mine a year and not even close to yours
@summ3rhays: mine are three years old!;)
Enjoy ya addiction!
Mega, Since you've worn them at least a few times. What are your thoughts on your Indy's
I love them, currently rotating them with my SD's for comfort comparison.
ELMC Lofgren.. Incredible fit! Better than my Viberg engineers in the same size.
There not mate. John told me via email before buying they are the same last/build as previous. Horween leather the whole shebang. I've just been putting Venetian cream on them.