Schmidt Shirt
hat is the new hood!
Hat is the new hood! Loving the posts TAA
glad that shirt's still on your back. great updates t&a!
btw: my wife picked up the same bottle of "landlust" the other day… -
PIA (70 hours old)
great (tour)stuff over here, but what else would you expect from T&A.
work shirt looks great as well.
i love you too.
thanks dirk!
Funny enough, ever since I moved to Moscow I have this sitting on my night desk…
that's really cool!
i love the different moods in this book.Love the tour so far - too bad, but the shirt is too big for me.
not everyone on the list wears xl/xxl,
join and wearlayeredshit-faced.
cheers! -
Read an older translation ages ago - hardly remember…
A friend of mine here in Moscow brought up the topic and I decided to re-read it. At that point I heard that the old German translation was considered substandard by some and that a new translation was in the works - ever since it came out it has been waiting for me to read it.
Actually, I'm living around the corner from Patriarshiye Ponds (Russian: Патриаршие пруды) - Patriki.You're probably right about the sizing - add me to the list - I can pick it up in Germany and bring it to Moscow...
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
great updates so far.
loving the black beetle on the shirt. -
Super hero cape. What a versatile shirt!
we had to do a little journey today.
a fellow passenger build a animated paper doll for emil.
we visited emils great great aunt, GERTRUD FICKER (90). ficker is german for motherfucker!
10 houres & 700km later.