Schmidt Shirt
Read an older translation ages ago - hardly remember…
A friend of mine here in Moscow brought up the topic and I decided to re-read it. At that point I heard that the old German translation was considered substandard by some and that a new translation was in the works - ever since it came out it has been waiting for me to read it.
Actually, I'm living around the corner from Patriarshiye Ponds (Russian: Патриаршие пруды) - Patriki.You're probably right about the sizing - add me to the list - I can pick it up in Germany and bring it to Moscow...
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great updates so far.
loving the black beetle on the shirt. -
Super hero cape. What a versatile shirt!
we had to do a little journey today.
a fellow passenger build a animated paper doll for emil.
we visited emils great great aunt, GERTRUD FICKER (90). ficker is german for motherfucker!
10 houres & 700km later. -
Thanks people! I really love this shirt, plus: finaly a tour for my size.
@ Graeme: thats not my aim, it's a tour not a competition.
@skcheng - luckily there is a fortnight left!
–-------------------------------------------------rain, finally
a garden mate
for starters today we have
the neighbourhood trattoria version of michelangelos adam from the sistine chapel.
the trattoria owner told me, that the guy who did the copy was very stoned:
main course
some shirt love:
today's swag:
bon appétit