Random questions to which you seek an answer
Hi all,
I'm a newbie to the forum, and I'm looking forward to some good conversation about great clothing.
In the vein of that, I want to ask a question that has been bugging me for some time:
Does anyone know anywhere reliable in London that will be able to do a good job of sewing on some good quality brace/suspender buttons to some IHxB01s? I also need the pocket bag repairing, so if somebody could so that job too?
Finally, does anyone know of some secret place in the UK to get hold of some drill trousers/khakis with brace/suspender buttons other that RRL, at a reasonable enough price?
Thanks in advance!
@ashleyjwheat here's where it is.
Ashleyjwheat go to Rivet & Hide in London.
Are Danny and Junior doing more than repairs now? I was in there just the other day to say hi. I should have asked really.
Any boot-lovers who bicycle commute? Struggling to figure out how to stay in boots but I'm going to be biking in this summer… Boots on a bicycle kind of suck. I'm leaning towards bringing a large messenger with a change of clothes, but the commute is a flat 4.5 miles, so I don't really need a change of clothes until it gets hot, barely break a sweat.
I actually thought of that, not a bad suggestion. I love my boots so much that it would be like leaving a child at work, but it might be the most practical solution. Perhaps on weekends I can shuttle them back home–thanks!
Hehe sorry, I should have stipulated "with my current arsenal of boots." Hikers, Engineers, Cowboys, Smokejumpers, in order of increasing pain on a bike.
How to change your message board settings to reflect correct time zone?
Anyone here have experience with john lobb boots? I'm seriously considering purchasing a pair of JL chelsea boots and am wondering how their sizing is.
Aren't their two Lobb factories? I think there's one in London that's primarily bespoke and then the Parisian outfit which is RTW for the most part. I am mainly talking out of my ass but that's something to be aware of if I'm right.
There is Lobb, the custom shoemaker in central London. Highy, highly bespoke - I have a pair made there - long story but they were made for Dodi Fayed…...
And there is Lobb the high end off the shelf shoemaker, they are based in Northampton.
Paris, I know nothing about.......