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Anyone here have experience with john lobb boots? I'm seriously considering purchasing a pair of JL chelsea boots and am wondering how their sizing is.
Aren't their two Lobb factories? I think there's one in London that's primarily bespoke and then the Parisian outfit which is RTW for the most part. I am mainly talking out of my ass but that's something to be aware of if I'm right.
There is Lobb, the custom shoemaker in central London. Highy, highly bespoke - I have a pair made there - long story but they were made for Dodi Fayed…...
And there is Lobb the high end off the shelf shoemaker, they are based in Northampton.
Paris, I know nothing about.......
There is lobb Paris, from what I read it took over an old Edward green factory and is owned by Hermes. Everuthing ive read states it is still one of the greatest OTR shoes out there… However the chelsea I'm looking at is actually labeled lobb so unassuming it's the lobb OTR Giles mentioned... Again I have not done an incredible amount of history dogging on the company I just like what I've seen... Keeping my eyes opened.. I like the church's I received and picked them up at an incredible steal compared to MSRP but now that I know the chelsea is the boot for me (now that I can't do engineers anymore) I'd like to invest in a very nice well made pair and beat the snot out of my church's...call me crazy
After further consideration , the church's are being returned. The lobbs will be mine instead
Any straw hat recommendations? I'm looking for something similar to this:
Any straw hat recommendations? I'm looking for something similar to this:
I recommend not buying one if that's any use.
Mega, it would be for at poolside/beach but all opinions are welcome
Any straw hat recommendations? I'm looking for something similar to this:
I recommend not buying one if that's any use.
Just get a regular cowboy hat like this guy.
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@sabergirl: What do you prefer?