Mister Freedom
MF tee
Tender belt
MF lot 64 US
cons -
Hell yeah Z! I have the gunslinger jacket(in both colours actually hahaa) but yes, the denim indigo is killer! Going to grab these soon too!
Thank you Sir
Dunno what happened to the rest my reply, got truncated I guess. Here's the rest:
"You won't be disappointed with the loons! Just spent 2 weeks of travel in them. So cool looking and comfy, did not come off my legs despite packing 2 other pants I love…....."
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalktjzsq wwwqw(8?)?cxqccAdsfxqwx
Hahaa, loons for hoons! Yeah mate, these are def on my list! Enjoy Z!
Great pic!
Welcome back Davito! Perfect look as always.
^Didn't even notice those liberty cuffs at first, very nice!
Rumors that MF will be priced the same in Japan as it is stateside… one seller lists that deck at $930
Great to see MF love. Great pics
I love the gunslinger pantalons in both the indigo and desert version.
Watchman and lot 64 jeans
Would love to see how the desert version looks in real life…...... Any fit pics by any chance davito? Saw the indigo version on you and looks really great
Just added the prairie calico to my sales list… let me know if anyone is interested! Wish I wore tucked in shirts more... the pattern on this is seriously beautiful.