EDC - What's In Your Pockets?
Sumo and Sebbie. Well it's hard to beat that!
It's heavy but that's why I like it. You could also get one of the rail cuts to make it lighter. I've tried a couple different key holders like this and it's def the best one so far.
Thanks man.
Hinderer Brass Extreme Duty Pen and Olight S15 polished Titanium flashlight
That is quality
Just stop!!!
Yeh, that's some quality gear Shane, I'd have no use for much of it in my everyday life but I'd feel good carrying it.
^this fuckin guy
Why have I never thought of using my Munroe dangler as a money clip.
Why have I never thought of using my Munroe dangler as a money clip.
I was just trying to find a reason to use it. I thought I would wear it on my belt with my keys attached but that doesn't work well for me. Just not sure I want to have a bunch of stuff dangling from it in my pocket.
Obviously I'm not carrying around all this shit but I just wanted to take a comparison shot.
A lot of great pieces right there