Wesco - Production and sneak peeks
That's the regular jobmaster toe. G can confirm.
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Was afraid you'd say that.
Green boots are fun. I recommend that everyone get a pair.
Would they fit a UK 10
I'm pretty sure that you and Giles wear the same size, or very close.
You do need a pair of Wescos…
I really do, I saw some beautiful footwear at Fish and Chips and I'm going to need some shortly. As Ned Stark would say, "Winter is coming".
No, at me
I thought I was well-informed about such things. Do you plan to sell online, through your retail partners, or both? You are doing some great stuff - really enjoyed flipping through this last night… I've been eyeing wescos for awhile but have resisted pulling the trigger so far.
@Winchy or @dylantbmayes please can you look at the size of the green and brown Jobmasters and post here.
They're a 10D.
Probably won't work for me unless they fit like a UK10.
@Giles were they too small for you? I think my feet are slightly bigger than yours.