Wesco - Production and sneak peeks
No, at me
I thought I was well-informed about such things. Do you plan to sell online, through your retail partners, or both? You are doing some great stuff - really enjoyed flipping through this last night… I've been eyeing wescos for awhile but have resisted pulling the trigger so far.
@Winchy or @dylantbmayes please can you look at the size of the green and brown Jobmasters and post here.
They're a 10D.
Probably won't work for me unless they fit like a UK10.
@Giles were they too small for you? I think my feet are slightly bigger than yours.
Probably won't work for me unless they fit like a UK10.
@Giles were they too small for you? I think my feet are slightly bigger than yours.
It was mainly a width/instep problem for me. I was unable to get them on due to my wide foot and high instep, so I do not know what they actually fit like.
I also have a high instep, so that more than likely rules me out to rock the green machines, super shame as they are bad ass
Any samples in +- us8.5? At best located at Vater & Sohn?
I want to be a happy customer
would love to order one, but I wanna check out the lasts and sizes. Looking forward
I wear the same size in all three. I'm not sure that's normal, though.
More specifically- 10D in the Viberg service boot (2030 last), 10D in the White's Semi-Dress (both standard and Swing lasts), 10D in the Wesco Jobmaster (whatever their standard last for that model is).
Hey g, when you say you're in talks about horse, do to mean horsehide or horsebutt? And do you think both will eventually have a makeup? And how's the talks lookin ??
Not Shell. We will use the area between the shells and the fronts - it is called the "Strip". This allows us to get nice thick horse, the fronts (FQHH) do not yield thick enough leather for booting.
I have ordered samples. Because the Strip is quite narrow, we may have issues with large vamped boots…..
Dang, hopefully you can ge a 9" engineer out of it… For some reason wesco was never on my radar, but after looking at the more style-driven makeups I can see that they're pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. Would adding toe tracks be an option, or is that not really wesco's thing? I don't think I've seen a pair with them
Sorry G$, already updated my post…dumb phone! I'm sure you know what they are, but I like pics
I'm wondering if they might look off for some reason though on wesco…