Random questions to which you seek an answer
Been thinking hard about PBJ AI-OO2 from Rivet for the sheer beauty, but my heart is filled with 666 25oz as my next purchase. Totally different denims of course but I am a construction guy, not a fade lover so, beyond dyeing/natural indigo mystique is there any reason to go for the PBJ? I love slubby but I have that from some Strike Gold's and Self Edge 3 16. My 21/23 UHR 666 are so brilliant I cannot concieve of better.
Have I answered my own question? Having said, that ,TFH white Ts have better sewn collars/ fitted sleeves than IH. But I wear black Nudies as my dirty secret!;-)
Dude, you've got the maddness!
A friend of mine is about to start a midget dating service for the vertically challenged, but he doesn’t know what to call his dating service or what his slogan should be.
I was thinking about something like “LessBetta: For When You Just Want To Get A Little”He didn’t seem too impressed though, so I thought I’d ask here.
Any thoughts? -
"We all need a little lovin'"
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"Ooh ahh just a little bit" (after the terrible Gina G song from the 90s)
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Any talk of midgets inspires me to watch the film Willow!
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Marvelous ideas mates!
Personally I liked "Don't sell yourself short" the most, but the man says it sounds like it could be mistaken for a midget joke. Think the top three contestants are now: “Where Size Doesn't Matter”, “We're big in all the right places”, and "We're big where it counts."
For names we’re thinking about something simple like Little People. So the final name/slogan would be something like: “Little People: Where Size Doesn't Matter” or “Little People: We're big where it counts."
Thanks -
Viberg or Wesco?
(I'll fetch my tin hat
Guess it depends on the style and your intended use. I like each, but my pairs are very different.
Ok, a little more info.
I'm thinking a low profile toe work boot with reasonable traction sole, durable leather, something to get me through winter.
I've also toyed with the idea of engineer boots, i.e. The Wild Ones or a Boss, but I don't know if I'm "that guy" to wear engineer boots.
Edit: the back story is that (as some of you know) I have always been a staunch supporter of Whites and I was kinda proud that when most made the mad dash to Viberg I stuck with Whites and I really liked that they just kept on doing their thing in their Spokane workshop and basically ignored the whole fashion boot thing.
The sale of Whites to ABC Mart has really kinda pissed on my chips so far as they are concerned, I know that most of you probably won't see why but it just has. I can only compare the feeling to being really into a band when I was a kid and suddenly seeing dorks everywhere wearing their shirts….. irrational I know.