Water heater burst at the condo my in-laws own. Naturally, they're out of town. It was a day or two before management got in and shut off the water. I think 6 units now have water damage. Only one owner has insurance, and it isn't my in-laws.
Bad luck mate. That happened when we were living with Frans parents and they were away. My heart goes out to the parents old chap!
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I know it sounds harsh, but fuck them.
They were too cheap to buy homeowner's insurance and now Julie and I are going to have to deal with all their (rightfully) pissed off neighbors and the whole remediation project. Meanwhile, her parents are just going to stay in Las Vegas and proceed with their daily routine. Then, when they get sued for all the damage, Julie and I will have to deal with that, too. After all, what's the point of having a lawyer for a daughter if you can't have her represent you when you do something stupid?
My partner and took a trip to Perth this morning for the weekend . We stopped off in Jurien Bay for a toilet break and a coffee, was an absolutely spiffing day! If you look closely in one of the pics you can see a dolphin in the water.
@trail and arrow and @Giles , it really was a cracker day as far as weather goes. Don't mean to rub it in to you Northern Hemisphere guys, but its apparently our winter at the moment!
@Seul , they are the 3sixteen/Viberg collaboration. I put some more detailed pics up in the Viberg thread about a week ago mate -
Saturday @ The Warwick Valley Winery Warwick, NY