IHSH-102 Purple Buffalo Check Work Shirt
Right arms been twisted….. Apologies for shitty iPhone pics (and the state of the office toilets/my face)......... Had to take them quickly before I got busted by a client....
Took the pics as follows:
1. With nothing underneath (naturally please restrain yourself from any swooning - only the incredibly desperate need apply)
2. Secondly over a chambray shirt (lightweight non IH thickness, in other words, not a glorious beast!)
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Nice!!! Purps + Black Boots = you´ll always look god
Cheers dude
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Thanks cutlass! Looks perfect!
Great shirt looking great Sir @Cutlasshound
Cheers @davito! Equally living your representation of the tiger stripe recently!!!!
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Thank you @Cutlasshound, greatly appreciate the stealth shots. Boy it looks good!!!
@sabergirl @anesthetist @snowy cheers guys. It's a great shirt!
@qinhan alas I haven't handled the 72 old chap so I will therefore have to bow down to the might of others! There is a bit of slubbyness there in my opinion but it really is a thick, beautiful fabric! Be great for colder weather.
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A slubby purple is on a ship to me soon . Photographs will follow at a
later date . In the meantime - glance frequently at C-Hound's purple portfolio . -
great fit & shots cutlasshound!
Delivery is scheduled for tomorrow
Lucky bugger , fit pics mate !
Arrives on the hottest week of the summer, but damn is it beautiful. I went up to a large and I'm happy I did.
Here is a fabric thickness comparison with my 32, my other UHF. The 32 feels softer, but the purps feels more substantial.
Mine arrived as well (size Large). Amazing fabric. So soft and I know it will be warm. I'm happy