Finn Hits The US of A - 2014
I already cried bro…stop doing this to me, please!
hahaha, that's gonna be a sick week I guess!
I already cried bro…stop doing this to me, please!
hahaha, that's gonna be a sick week I guess!
This is gonna be you all week…
first day in NYC yesterday and i had a blast
thanks a ton to shane @urbanwoodsman for taking me around buddy…and making me spend a fair amount of money -
great pics mate @urbanwoodsman …thanks a ton again for showing me around the city and helping me spending money and getting fat!
btw. y'all...whoever is in the NY area, you definitely have to me up with Shane! he's such a great dude to hang out with and he definitely knows his city! took me to all the good places on my first day of visit...and Peter Luger was so fucking good (pics will follow!), that I can't even recommend it enough when you're in town!
same goes for @derivative666 btw. …Jeff's awesome people as well! had some great times yesterday!
went for a beer in a very "nice" place (it really had sth. cool!)
…more pics to follow!
Peter Lugers last week.
fortunately for me you're right @Snowy …having a fucking blast is all I can say right now!
New York City has been treating me like a fucking star. thanks a ton to @urbanwoodsman who hung out with me pretty often and showed me around all the cool places (SE, BIG, Gentry, BrooklynDenimCo, Peter Luger, Crif Dogs, Shake Shack, Flat Iron Building etc. …).
in the end, I did everything a tourist "has to do" while being there and even a little bit more. took close to 1600 pictures of my 10 day NYC trip and did a shitload of stuff I didn't even dream of doing before I arrived.below you can see a list of things I had in mind before going to NYC...gott'em all done!
…so yesterday I actually spent the whole day on the amtrack. had a 9h train ride back to Virginia Beach.
the rest of my trip (until Sunday) I'm going to spend with my dad and the rest of my family. trying to meet up with @tvshooter and maybe even @bagley920 can jump in on having a couple beers on Friday evening!?
gonna visit the beach and have me some seafood before I'll leave back to germany.I'll post pictures day after day then, since I really don't have the time right now. sorry bout that….NOT!
thanks for following btw. you guys rock!
they're making their way to me as I type my friend
@tvshooter still not have all the pictures with me.
gonna post a nice little something later on though…