Mister Freedom
Not empty handed. I bought a few things. I picked up a short sleeve henley and a light weight sweat. It's labeled as a cold weather undershirt which I admittedly don't get. The RJB oxford was from SE.
Oh and on more of a random note. I ran into John Platt at Unionmade. I guess he worked at MF for a really long time. He was such a nice guy. Chatted for a while so I didn't really have to experience a SoCal mall.
Great day @summ3rhays, thanks again. Think that henley will look real good on you. Interesting Random Note, I always wonder what people are like IRL. He always seemed to go that extra mile on e-mail, awesome to learn it's just him
Enjoy your race with the family
Pics of the henley I just picked up. I believe it's the union tshirt.
Caught snoozing on Small World at Disneyland
Nice pics @summ3rhays
Looks like lot of funYes its the union tee you r right Sir. Enjoy it its a great tshirt
Awesome Andy @superfuzz and great look
Great looking boots superfuzz.
Super dumb question @superfuzz The RCs also come in brown? I thought it was just the black…
I've only seen Road Champs in dark brown… http://www.misterfreedom.com/mister-freedom-footwear.html Mine are dark brown.
Gotcha. Thanks for the info. I've never been much of a boots guy but the Road Champs really are beautiful and I can only imagine they get better with wear and evo. Love the low profile toe too.
They are amazing and they do look better with age (from Mr Freedom website - I believe these are Christophe's personal pair):
Christophe stated somewhere on this forum something that was shocking about how selective they are with the hides they use. It was something like it takes an entire hide to make a pair of RCs.