Fully backing family bib overalls. I'll get in on this thread. Except I have a daughter. does that count?
lets rename this to BUNCH OF BIB
@riffblaster general ,
looking forward to see you and your daughter! -
I love how Steffen always talks Graeme into doing these insane things
(at least I assume that's the right way round
i love bibs
Alas, I might be cast out from the Brotherhood of Bib!
My pair of IH-812 overalls have lost one to two inches somewhere between the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
I've no BIB, maybe I can fit into @Graeme 's old pair
@madmonday you might have to fight @indigo bitch for them. I think that she's got her eyes on them. Or @emil if he grows up really fast.
I won't be winning that fight, plus those would be waaaaay to big for @indigo bitch . . . but @emil is due for his growth spurt