IHJ-14 - Heavy Duck Award Jacket in Navy or Beige
Anyone wanting to let one of these go in XL hit me up.
Damn no navy. Grrrrrrrrrrr! Beautiful jacket G. If I didn't have a baby who was destined to ruin the beige, it would be mine!!!!!! :-(.
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I love this jacket too, if you had a navy XXL I would be a happy bunny.
I'm almost as excited about you picking one of these up as you must be
If I had to read one more winter post about how fucking tough you are for not wearing a jacket through winter I was gonna hop on the ferry and cover you in bubble wrap
The jacket will look great, @Seul will still look like Nosferatu, but in a cool jacket.
I tried this on in Navy at SENY last week.
XXL was a tad too fitted, but damn it was nice.
I want the beige XXXL so bad. so bad.
saw that its $200 off right now. for that price, if there's a medium in navy i would grab it immediately.
G, any chance for a medium navy?
Dropped my camera and natty light's out. Three quick shit pics, more tomorrow.
The sleeves will drive me bonkers (they keep "disappearing" into the sleeves, check the first pic), the pockets are placed too high, and maybe the zipper comes up júst a tad too high.
Closed (post- drop):
Makes me realize I should wear mine more often