IHW-01 (Melton Wool shirt)
also - somebody please shoot me for wanting a black one as well…
Never! I am grabbing a Black one and already have a Navy. This shirt cannot be passed up on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very happy these are returning soon. Even happier one is beginning the trek to me.
Seeing all these pics makes me want one of these!
back in black
didn't think it would be much of a difference, but i might have to get one of these.
[pictures deleted by the member]
***bad ass, wonder what jeans he's wearing.
I think this will be my second (maybe final) fall purchase. Should go nicely under my army jacket to make it serve me all through winter! Superblack looks good….I like the orange stitching on the black!
blackswan, got TTS!
I want one of these but i'm not sure if i could rock it.. i got these crazy random allergies back in 2006… mostly food but some pet/environment too. No other allergies in my life prior to this... and last fall/winter i wore wool gloves and they made my hands itchy and a little red after extended wear. So i'm hesitant to pick up this shirt... its also affecting my potential CPO wool jacket purchase and i REALLY want that one
It's not an allergy against wool which causes the itching, but rather being poked by lots of little hairs. The amount of itchiness depends on the average hair width, maximum hair width, and the sensitivity of your skin.
You can layer thin long sleeve t shirt or a thinner IH flannel under the IHW-01 to minimize the itch. I don't see how the CPO jacket would cause any amount of itching since you would always have a shirt under it.
Obviously I can't give you medical advice but the wool on this is much more like a felt, not very itchy. Very nice indeed.