Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
Interesting, almost like an L2-A with a rounded version of an A-2 collar. And patch pockets.
It's an aramid men's flyers jacket. I have one. It's very nice, windproof, and fireproof… Perfect for over my 107. Actually there are a ton of those at my local surplus store right now... An IH version would be really interesting.
Doesn't the wabash on the 55 have a beige tint to the dots? Are you proposing an overdye to achieve the color or a print like the Mister freedom calico?
I was thinking along the lines of indigo base and orange dot/wabash style threading. Or orange and white dot/wabash style threading. Really, I have nothing better to do than imagine shirts. I'm afraid I cannot back it up with industry science.
@superfuzz haha but i prefer Jessy not wearing clothes keeping it natural
but certainly a great idea
A fishtailish parka would be dope!!! Maybe a very dark olive…
Has H ever made a Parka? I bet it would be awesome…
Most likely already in the works. I just hope it's a tailored fit and not a 1948/1951 Fishtail Replica. The arms are huge on them. I wonder if he'll do an alpaca removable liner, have it sewn in, or not one at all.
Saw this on his blog a month ago.
"It 'Is not this year, it is the story of next year's winter! Well, what kind of guy to become or stay tuned! HARAKI"
H's take on this would be epic! Hope it happens…
I hope for lined shirts next fall, preferably in a nice block check colourway.
3/4 sleeve - later in the Spring
I wouldn't mind seeing an IH version of a 3/4 sleeved lightweight button up shirt.
It doesn't have to be quite so "sailor-y," but I had one of these when I was a kid. No stripes, but otherwise the same. I loved it. It made me feel like I just walked out of a Tom Waits song.
WTF?! Having worn one of these for 10 years, I can't imagine ever wearing one voluntarily. Why on Earth would you ever want to wear this in a social situation? There's historical significance to the cape on the jumper, but it's impractical now, and just a nod to our Naval heritage. I understand a lot of Naval inspired clothing such as the N-1, submarine sweaters, and flight jackets, but the Sailor jumper is beyond me.
I could see Mister Freedom rolling something like that out. I can't see myself wearing it though.
I think it is very safe to say that this won't happen, sorry @TrickHell