Anyone here play video games?
I've got a stack of old computer games here in Southwest London, ranging from Spectrum through to the original Xbox, PSX and PC.
They're free to a good home, as I'm heading to Oz. But the catch is you'll have to collect them in the next fortnight, as there's something like four or five boxes!
Anyone interested?
@seul, I never got round to playing GTA5 on the PS3, but the version I've been playing today on the PS4 sick. Not sure if its the same storyline etc, but it's visually awesome and a shitload of fun.
@Seul what is your PSN
How is farcry
If you like Far Cry 3, then just get on your bike and go get it!.. In a review someone mentioned the wildlife being "unnecessarily aggressive" which I immediately liked… It's true though... Best be prepared to be constantly attacked by wolves, wild dogs, eagles, crocodiles, fish, rhinos,...
Great game...
Never played a far cry game
PSN has been down over 48 hours!!!!
^atta boy can't go wrong between Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, Bayonetta, and Wonderful 101
This thought was sparked by a conversation in Unpopular Opinions and I thought I'd bring it over here:
I really like video games, but I haven't made them a priority lately, and the only console I have is a Wii, which is pretty useless. Does anyone recommend any video games I can play on my computer? I have a pretty modern machine (Mac) that can handle intense graphics.
I like RPGs, and adventure type stuff. Does anyone have any suggestions? Anything you've really liked lately? I would love something I can get lost in for a while.