Beard farming thread
This was my longest
And he relocated the family of owls that had been nesting in there.
Haha chris. Jeff, those were a protected species, I'm sending over a park ranger to write you ticket.
I'm doing the Movember thing (late to the game, a bout of food poisoning had me too sick to shave for a minute so I joined late). I can't grow an impressive beard and I enjoy wet shaving as part of my morning ritual. This itchy rat on my face is not going to make it to December.
Hahaha. Thats a beaut Jeff. Startin mine as we speak. Mine is weird tho, always starts from the top and grows down
Christ, pillow, can't believe you ever looked like this!
@pillowPANTS now with added hair! What a year does. Looking good bud!
Nice Jock. Ive got the same boots and love em with ducks. Nice Danners Twin, i have a new pair in black for sale if u are a 12??
Blundstone -
Haha. Thx Snowy. That was a pretty badass stache i had tho
Stop trimming ur damn beard Mahlon. Dont tell me ur not either, i know
@pillowPANTS, nope no trimming for me, just the strays and my moustache. Not really a fan of filtering all of my food with it
I put stuff in it to keep it under control and that pic made it look like it was chopped.
here's a better one.Where's your's at now? it's gotta be close to Gandalf status at this point! It's killer btw.
I hear ya man. U def have to keep it kinda neat otherwise u just look like a dirtbag lol. I gave mine a decent trim right after i made it to 1yr. Its still fairly large tho lol. Ill try and snap a pic today
I gave mine a decent trim with a pair of hedge clippers right after i made it to 1yr. Its still fairly large tho lol.
Best i can do for now
@pillowPANTS Nice to see the truly canadian Timmies cup!