Look what's arrived in the post today!
Which DryBones are those Den1mhead and yes, i agree with Saber. Those jeans look great on u Orchid
Hey @pillowPANTS , they are Dry Bones Red D Slim Fit
Thank you @pillowPANTS it's always a bit of a novelty getting a good fit coupled with good denim if you're a girl but it makes searching them out more fun!
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Thanks @twin I need to work at those fades and I know they will fade well. I do have quite a few pairs of jeans [emoji57] and have a little touch of OCD around my rotate, so it will probably be quite a long process and require me to be patient…hmmm
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Perfect fit, Black Orchid!
This. I can't believe how good that fit is. I'm sure you'll have them faded in no time, you'll have to wear them often when they look that good!!!
@den1mhead….@blackorchid experiencing a severe case of the dde's with a nasty case of button envy... They are GOLD.... Denim bling! [emoji6] I want…
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@snowy Yep thanks, they are a good fit but I will have to overcome my denim rotate obsession to wear them often as I have a few pairs of jeans… Of course [emoji57]
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Look what arrived in the post today…Ralph Lauren Fairisle jumper, a little bit of nostalgia for me too, we had these as kids.
Thank you @den1mhead…early B'day present...I now it's not denim but it's gorgeous and soo warm also the detailing and quality is spot on. love it
you guys are crazy!
@den1mhead @Black Orchid …great couple and o/course a great addition to the forum!
thanks for posting and all... -
Thanks @Finn666 @den1mhead and I are enjoying the forum
You guys share the same birthday, or @black orchid, do you get gifts on @den1mhead 's birthday as well ::).
My postie would crack it if I got something that frequently. Awesome for you guys tho!!!
Hmmm… That was meant for tomorrow @den1mhead [emoji35]
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@Snowy my birthday isn't until next month but I am as pants at waiting as @den1mhead is
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That's an ageing effect known as "wife's handbag"
Shame it's not in this wife's handbag…. Not yet! [emoji57]
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