I've got the itch for something, been around 4 years since my last. There's 2 things I've joked about for years, 1 is a taco or burrito on my ass, the other is some form of Tokyo Banana (either Rawr or Cherry). All stupid ideas but all I've really had. Will let the itch scratch until something bubbles….
@snowy yes I would let it keep on bubbling until you scratch that itch.. [emoji57]I am almost there with a bird of paradise but it's intricate and large so it's going to hurt..
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@Max Power has it twice…
It´s a feckin nice book. -
I own two copies…and yes its worth it.
does anyone own the Spider Murphy's Tattoo Flash Book (Vol.1 and/or 2)?
if so, what do you think of it? worth the 140€ (each)?…thanks in advance.
Most definitely yes old chap.
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Newest ink of the new year!
Frikin' Big Respect to @Tucson_Thriller.
Yeah, they hit my xiphoid on my stomach tat HOLY SHIT that sucked
Takes me back to having my elbow tattooed. It fucking sucked big time!
One of my mates is currently getting a rock of ages from his neck to his naval. Hes also had both knees done, one full leg and a full arm sleeve and he says that the chest sucks more than any other area. The tattooist wven drew over his nipples.
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Strange, I found the legs far worse than the chest (though I can only speak for the upper part). The first session took me 9 hours and it felt better than 3 hours on the legs. But I also feel like it depends much on the mood and daily condition.
@bubbapest, your hannya mask back piece is something else - awesome :
I saw a cool concept for a Memento Mori tattoo today, based on the skull in Holbein's Ambassadors.
Stomach and spine sucks. Legs are kinda easy. Next step are the rips, I am feckin scared and shit my pants
I think a lot more can depend on the artist as well though. My chest was cake aside from a couple places over my sternum and up next to my collar bone. My back was a different story, half was pretty easy (my neck was actually in bad shape and needed surgery through it), but the rest was laid in by a gentleman that I swore was using a butter knife to hammer ink in. No abdomen or leg pieces to compare to it, yet. However parts of my arms were as bad as anything on my chest.
Finished my daggers yesterday
I think, legs are next, my left leg is 100% tattoo-virgin. -
But we still get more tattoos and more tattoos…