Random questions to which you seek an answer
G and P…where have you guys spent your vacation? @Giles @Madame Buttonfly
still searchin for a nice place to go at the end of march/start of april…just searching for a nice warm place, where i can spend 10-14day just relaxing, sipping a cocktail or two at the beach and just enjoy myself while doing nothing at all!others can chime in on this as well...the more places i know of the more interesting it gets
thanks in advance.
@Finn666 I like Singapore for chilling, plus there are some awesome denim stores there, good food etc… Sentosa has a really nice (man made) beach.
…oh, it shouldn't be too "touristic"
thanks @Megatron1505
In that case why not head off the tourist trail in the lesser travelled parts of Thailand or Vietnam? There are also some parts of Greece which are not very touristy but quite beautiful.
Dont do it!!!!!
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I think this would be a prime example of why Belgians are famous for things other than shoes.
Yeh, they are a little…different. Not something I would buy.
Dont do it!!!!!
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my thoughts entirely…
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Is there a German here who can ship me a couple of shoes with a courier service (cheapest, NO Hermes though)?.. Got a guy on eBay who charges 60 € for 4 pairs, there must be a cheaper way… :-\
Guy actually only charged 20 € - I'm just fucking blind.
Anyway: 4 pairs of GATs coming my way, under 100 € shipped. Fuck yeah.
Does anyone have one of these?
Or the smaller Campstove?
I've had a boner for one since I first saw it, on my short list of things to buy
We get sudden storms out here that can knock power out anywhere from a day to weeks, seems like a good thing to have, especially since there is a pile of sticks next to my front door that my dogs bring home from walks
And it's fuckin cool
I really want to try out a pair of the 666SI double indigo but alas am currently too poor, anyone else in the 36" waist range feeling like a group purchase for a tour?
I have 4 21oz IH jeans. 634S-B, the 2 all-black ones, one w/zip, the other slimmer w/buttons, 461S, and a Gray w/black weft (is that SBG?) that is a Jelado collab.
Question 1: How many different actual weave/denims is that?
They all feel different. the 634S-B feels lighter, less thick than Blacks and the SBG or whatever it is…which feels similar to the Blacks. The actual denim weave looks chunkier on those latter ones.
Question 2: How much of this am I imagining and do I have to go back to having less time on my hands?
I'll take that as a no then
I have 4 21oz IH jeans. 634S-B, the 2 all-black ones, one w/zip, the other slimmer w/buttons, 461S, and a Gray w/black weft (is that SBG?) that is a Jelado collab.
How many different actual weave/denims is that?634S-B is the same denim as 461s, just dunked in dye
The 2 blacks, it they are black weft and black warp are the same 21oz denim as each other but that denim is produced on a projectile loom rather than the shuttle that the above denim is woven on.
The Jelado collab sounds like SBG which is a 21oz shuttle loom woven denim, same weave as the 634S-B and 461S, just different colour warp and weft….