@Black Orchid nice good spot .. @pillowPANTS yup sounds like Bob he is right into metal plays guitar and parties like nobodies business lol
My tattoo photographed by the artist straight after he completed my piece
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Beautiful colors @Black Orchid
@eyeq8402 wow, that´s a statement
Agreed.. Amazing work @eyeq8402 In fact there are some really gorgeous pieces of body art shown on this thread…
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Great tattoos on this page! I am happy to announce my backpiece is beginning to happen in april.
Meant to put this up with my earlier post about the 1/2 sleeve that I'm planning, however this is my current, (and sole), tattoo, which was done when in '92, by a chap called Harry Potter Whether I can incorporate it into my sleeve or not, it's definitely going to get a bit of a refresh, as it's looking a bit faded and not as sharp as it used to be.
i always thought a harry potter tattoo would look like this:
here you go @Max Power …the last 3 sessions i had this done. have still one more to go to add/fill more free spots at the top and the bottom.
here it is though...started with my calf first btw. and did the shading for the lighthouse like a week ago, so the skin is still thin!
my next appointment is on the 21st of march…can't wait
Looks great! My next appointment is on April 8th - so it's getting closer now. How bad did you feel the pain - I hated all the stuff on the lower leg, the lower the worse.
felt no pain at all @Max Power …the badest part was below the knee bend (?) though.
the shin was actually quite cool...looking forward to the left one once it's time to do sothanks buddy @twin