What's your favorite Beer?
It was a cynical idea and this one line from that article summarizes it perfectly- "Budweiser consumers will simply see the ad’s obvious message: 'Craft beer is for pretentious fools, Budweiser is for real people' and presumably let confirmation bias do the rest of the work."
I'm a little surprised that A-B signed off on it, since they're generally much smarter with their advertising. You don't sell the most beer in the world by publicly being a dick.
I like the rebuttal from Firestone Walker, those are good people!
Drank a few of my recent purchases last night during the Superbowl.
This was definitely top of the list, nice and funky. Could drink this every day!
Sour with a very dry finish, reminded me of some of Jester King's farmhouse ales.
Pleasently surprised by the Divine Reserve 15, nothing to rave about but definitely worth drinking.
This came as a recommendation from the guy at the shop.
Wasn't too keen on the one I had last night, but I was a few in at that point.
Drinking another one now and enjoying it quite a bit more.
Gotta support local Austin breweries. -
Thus far I have a KBS, Shipwreck Porter, Backwoods Bastard, and Palo Santo Marron. Plead the 5th just hit and will likely be added, and trying to work a Hopslam trade. Gotta make it worth your wait. Once I fill out the 6 (hoping by the weekend)I will drop them in the mail
Any shipment of beer that has a KBS, Backwoods Bastard, Palo Santo Marron, and a Hopslam is worthy of a Mission Impossible type interception operation. Where do you live again, jdl?
Hahaha and the Shipwreck is easily my favorite Porter, while Plead the 5th is also very good. If you can intercept a package between Michigan and Belgium you deserve them anyhow. Once pigboy is finally square, I will be open to other trades [emoji6]
@Seul may forego Plead the 5th in favor of this…
I know you like barleywines and this is probably my favorite. Set for a limited release in a couple weeks.
Unless you want this...
If so I can figure something out
@jdl1279 in Europe bald men settle all their disputes by oiled naked wrestling, there is nothing sexual about it, we are a warrior tribe.
Finished my anti biotics and celebrating with a St Berny Xmas ale…..good to be back in the saddle.