What's your favorite Beer?
She wants to visit Brugges…..BRUGGES !!!!!
She goes to museums, you go to breweries, problem solved. And the entire country is barely larger than your head, so it should be easy to get it all done in a weekend…
I'm working on a "romantic weekend" in Belgium for her Birthday, which will entail me drinking with Seul and her enjoying "culture".
I won't go into details, but I poured my brother's girlfriend a Mad Bitch, and she literally went mad… Let's just say they had a urm long bath, and then she had to take a 2 hour nap (at 8pm)...
Trust me: Iranian girls + Belgian beers = match made in heaven... (So now I just need the Iranian girl I guess...)
@Megatron1505 come to Ghent, lots of cultural crap over here and more laid back than Bruges (in my humble opinion).
Ghent could be a good compromise…...with a stop over in Lokeren
Yeh, fuck the British tourists. I hate them almost as much as I hate American tourists (true story, I love Americans and America, but every American tourist I have ever met in another country has been an asshole).
That good eh? :-\
Drank this last night, pleasantly surprised.
Didn't think a beer brewed with oyster mushrooms would be very good at all, but leave it to Jester King to pull something like that.
Had very little mushroom taste, the overall beer almost reminded me more of a cider or champagne.
Perfect for the warm weather we've been having. -
How can anyone have a favorite beer? So many good beers out there, and TONS of bad ones.
Right now I am loving Samuel Smith Stout beers. I have to try their Oatmeal still, but their chocolate stout is SUPERB!
True….the thread topic has been evolved upon