IH-634SR - 21/23oz 5 Year Anniversary Straight Cut
I still hope that somebody who wears the new UHR Lot posts pics that make sure they fade likewise. Unfortunately I haven't seen much evo on any of those UHR yet…the must be out there, so post some please!
Check here,Max http://selvedgeforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=143.3950#sthash.v6jVkzUq.dpbs
Thank you!
don't know if that answers your question, flo:
http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=6321.msg388430#msg388430 -
You really got awesome fadings on your jeans!
Congrats !!!!!' -
@210895 those really are some very beautiful fades… Stunning evo
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@Black Orchid
thank you for the compliments! -
^210895 I love all kinds of strongest natural denim evolution.
Keep your perfectly faded jeans alive for ever!!!!! -
Adam313's jeans
Those are honestly some of the best-looking jeans I've ever seen, not just because of the great fading but thanks to the incredibly unique pattern of the whiskering and honeycombs.
I am so close in grabbing me a pair of these. I would need to send them off to be tapered from knee down. Think I should get them tapered THEN do the initial hot soak?
How do these breath compared to the 21oz?
They breathe significantly less.
Thanks Max, guess these will be fall and winter jeans then. Oh well, can't wait to see a slubby denim from IH
Long shot but is it possible to be my SR's re-dyded? Maybe I can send them to Giles or something?
How do they look like now? They were always one of my alltime favorites.
Everything is better overdyed Do it and show the progress