Claims To Fame, or "I touched a celebrity"
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Did he ask for your autograph Giles?
Ahh, I met him too, Piety Street Band tour. Great dude.
Also met Dr. John, who threatened to cut one of my friends who asked for an autograph like some kind of rube….
Ahh, I met him too, Piety Street Band tour. Great dude.
Cool glad to see people round here know Sco
Famous people have a persistent dilemma. Most know that brushing off a fan could result in a bad (and oft repeated) memory for life, but they also know they can't stop and chat with everyone. I am impressed when I see a "celebrity" who remembers from whence sprang their wealth, and spends quality time with fans for no reason at all.
I am honestly delighted I can move anywhere at any time without being noticed, bothered, etc., though I suppose it would be fun to be a recognizable "niche" famous person who is only spotted occasionally, and by aficionados.
A few years ago I took a business trip to/from Germany, via Amsterdam. My company's policy was that we fly business class for international travel; something about being well-rested…didn't help, jet-lag still destroyed me.
Anyways, on my way back to Portland, one of my flights was from Amsterdam to Minneapolis. We boarded the plane, and the flight attendants took our pre-takeoff drink orders. After a few minutes, I see this huge guy in a suit board the plane, followed by - what looked like - a child. The flight attendants rushed them to the front galley, where they were out of sight.
After a few minutes, one of the flight attendants appeared from the galley and asked 2 people sitting in row 1 (I was in row 2) if they wouldn't mind moving, so the mysterious passengers could sit together. The two passengers agreed to move, and the other two mysterious passengers took their seats directly in front of me. I couldn't really see much at first, so I discreetly glanced between the seats, and I could see a cane, with this image engraved on the handle. Then I realized I was sitting directly behind Prince, and he was traveling with a bodyguard.
Whenever a flight attendant took a food/drink order, the bodyguard ordered for him. Whenever Prince needed to use the lavatory, the bodyguard always went in first to (I assume) clean it, and the bodyguard always stood in front of the door. When we deplaned in Minneapolis, Prince and his bodyguard were allowed off first, followed by us plebs in business class. They also got to skip customs. He was wearing a purple blouse, tight black bell-bottoms, and white patent leather boots with a huge clear wedge sole that lit up.
(Sorry, that was longer than I intended!)
Game. Blouses.
erm, I once sold George Cole a light bulb, does that count ?
Biggest smile I ever seen on your face, hahaha
Nothing wrong with that brethren, hahaha
At least the didn't catch u peeking at her assets, hahahah